Sunday, 7 November 2021

Seven -Eleven

I was thinking about you last night, how you always save me when I feel lost.
Or maybe I was lost, so I was thinking about you.

I was thinking how much fun would it be to get lost together in a city as anonymous to us as we are to them.

We would divulge the food, the people,  the art, and the culture of that place till there is left for us to sink in.
We would witness the night in our favourite shade of whiskey.

We would taste every palette of the moonlight sky, till we memorise the aftertaste of it all.
We can travel through a lifetime of thrills till we hit a dead-end at seven in the morning.

Our hungry exhausted soul would light up as we come across a dimly lit Seven-Eleven.

We would be in our flawed vulnerable headspace, basking in each others company with whatever bit of sobriety we have left.

With no demons left to kill, no secrets left to spill. We gonna chill through the momentary bliss that we stole from the world which doesn't understand our language.

As we sit on the floors of that Seven-Eleven, you will smile at me and I will smile at you, and hopefully, we will see each other again.

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