Wednesday, 11 January 2017

For All Those Times

For all those time we fell in love. For all those times our hearts skipped a beat. 
For all those time we felt their heat. For all those times we thought it would last forever.
 For all those times we convinced ourselves never ever.
 For all those times when we broke our vows..
 For all our mistakes that our heart allowed.. 
For all the times our hearts got broken. For all the memories that were never spoken. 
For all the heartaches still reside. For all the time we had to hide our feelings inside..
 For all those time we played the game. For all those times we felt insane .. 
For all those times we felt insecure. For all those time we promised never to go back there any more..
 For all those times we thought we would learn from the problems we face.. For all those time we found ourselves in the same place..